Wednesday, 21 March 2007

"A Tax Con not a Tax Cut" - The Party's Responce

David Cameron has responded to Brown's 11th Budget by dubbing it a "Tax con, not a tax cut". As most are aware the devil is in the detail (the pages and pages of it - 326 to be precise and thats only the overview not the detailed law).

Whilst's Brown's announcement that he was going to cut the basic rate of tax from 22 to 20p in the pound his announcement hidden deep within the speech that his budget would be revenue neutral wasn't surprising. Whilst the Chancellor managed to annouce this through gritted teeth Comrade Balls dodged the question in his Radio 4 interview. What they aren't to keen for everyone to know that far from this move being revenue neutral it will be revenue positive. The 10p tax band, introduced to help the poorest in society, will be scrapped in the name of "simplicity" and National Insurance will be increased.

The Party's stunt earlier on this morning is already old news. 99 Stealth Tax rises? More like at least 101. Watch the video of todays protest below and check out the full post over on the Regalis.

Furthermore, taxes on business will rise overall by £1 billion in 2008-2009, plus a further £1.8 billion increase in the following financial year. To this Mr Cameron said "You have finally given us a tax cut. You normally do that before a general election, but you are in such a deep hole you have had to do it before the leadership election." I agree completley with this - it's an old trick to cut taxes before an election and reap the short term rewards, however, thsi is rather less common, have the opinion polls finally had an impact on our Man of Steel?

Mr Brown can not run away from his record Cameron said. "You are the Chancellor who has put the tax burden up; the Chancellor who has taken one tax down but put 99 taxes up." He added: "Your great experiment in tax and spending has failed. You are an out of date politician wedded to state control."

He went on: "Let me tell you what the Chancellor's real problem is: it is not that he is a Stalinist who holds all his colleagues in contempt - although I have to say that probably doesn't help. It is that he has wasted money on an industrial scale." It is estimated that the He went on: "Let me tell you what the Chancellor's real problem is: it is not that he is a Stalinist who holds all his colleagues in contempt - although I have to say that probably doesn't help. It is estimated that the average family is now paying £1,300 more in tax than before Brown.

This Chancellor's real record is Britain's biggest tax burden in history, a savings ratio half that of ten years ago, business investment as a share of GDP is under 10 per cent and going backwards, Britain's trade deficit is widening, and research and development spending, crucial to providing room for further economic growth, is falling.

What is more by 2011 state borrowing will be, at latest estimates, running at £153 billion, some £8 billion more than the amount Mr Brown said it would be only three months ago! "He has built up a pile of debt - and we are entitled to ask where has all the money gone," Cameron said.

So some on Gordon where is it? Millions in the NHS? So why are nurses loosing their jobs? Why are Doctors having to campaign for their livelihood? New Hospitals eh? Well I wonder who's paying for that? - not the taxpayer - well at least not yet - we will be when the PFI bills start kicking in however

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